Monday, October 27, 2008

a "C" did we atleast make a pass???

I think the grading for the mid term is rather harsh..... i hope i get most of the the test right to make up for the absent points on the mid term project. i really dont like the class. As long as i pass.....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Tomorrow wont be so bad... just a wasted class really...

just have to listen to him talk about what ever and then wait for next week when we get to hear the results of out midterm that I really rather not think about...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I hate ADT!!!!

The Midterm Crunch...

So tomorrow is the midterm, argh... not at all prepared, dont have my 1st floor plan done, and not even started the 2nd. I'm hoping that tomorrow I will have enough time to get it done, or at least enough to be passable. Have no idea what's going to be on the test. I cant remember any of the stuff we last went over. Oh well, lets just hope that nothing gets in the way of the crunch!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

~N here....

So like stated before, theres a midterm next week DX

Theres a test too!! Of which I feel completely unprepaired for.

Usually I would spend today at the campus and work really hard on all my homework, but I took tuesday off from work as well as school, and now I'm making it up today to my boss, he really needed me here or I would have just taken the day off an been done with it. So when I get to school, I'll have to rush, because I have work again tonight at another job.
but anyways, I thought I would show you a pic of the program we are using.
Yes I was pretty upset last night that I had to be there all alone all night, with all the haters.... I was "super bitch" last night. I didnt talk to anyone and I gave them all cold stares.... accept "J" she's cool.
Well thats about it... gotta get back to work... I'm naughty, I only ever blog durring work hehe

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"A" feels bad....

hey, it's A here
and i feel really bad about what i have done tonight... that is to let N endore (i think thats the right word) the ADT group alone. i would be rather pissed at me.
This whole week has been flipped upside down with working on different days and classes being canceled, messed the whole week up. so here comes thursday ADT time and i feel tired and theres a storm coming and i dont feel like drivin the half hour to class. my little sister is staying over with her new puppy, which make me not want to go also, coz i dont trust her to clean up any puppy puddles. so i ended up letting N down and staying home.
Turns out we have our mid term next week and parts of our projects due. none of which i have.
I so want to drop the class, but i know i should just drudge through it. dont want to waste the money. so i will be scrambling together next week trying to get what i need for the mid term done.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Dreaded Tomorrow

Wednesdays are an okay today... except when I remeber that tomorrow is Thursday...
Last night class, which happeneds to be ATD!!!
I think we must be the the talk of the class now. I would take a bet that n and I are the topic of talk when we leave the room. We really aren't that bad, sure we talk a little here and there. But so does everyone else in the class. Well maybe we talk a little more than others, but thats because we have lifes.. that we need to talk about. We dont see each other any other time so we make the mosts of the time we have to catch up... lol so yeah i guess we could "SSHHH" a little bit. lol
That teacher has a nasty "SSHHH" lol
See ya tomorrow... in Class


I have to go to ADT tomorrow night...

I dont ever feel like dealing with those people... such schmucks!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

same day...

As we were walking into lab from visiting the cafe man we pass a nice lady on our way to our seats and tell her its ok to sit next to us (as we hold the seat next to us captive as to keep a certain child from sitting there and talking our ears off) well then she mumbles under her breath about how we talk so bad and how we remind her of her sister! although I'm not sure how to take that I'm sure it was ill intended....


Friday, October 3, 2008

Topic of the talk...

So you know when your casually doing work during lab and talking about things going on in your life, minding your own business.... then all of a sudden out of the blue some one walks past you and mumbles something about talking on the phone ... (was he talking to us????) then another snide comment about personal information.... hum so turns out he was talking about us!!!! He was offened about us talking about our lives and a guy!!!! WTF.... we werent even in class, just LAB we can talk all we want, ABOUT what ever we want.....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Haters of ADT

This blog will be dedicated to the haters of ADT.

In other words this blog is going to be about the people who hate me and A (for anonymity), and how ridiculously silly they are.

Well this post will be short as class is about to start.

My name is N to be equally anonymous, talk to you soon! <3